28-29 Septiembre - Special Stage Krav Maga Ikmi Barcelona - Spain
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28-29 Septiembre - Special Stage Krav Maga Ikmi  Barcelona - Spain
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30 Octobre - 3 Novembre - Tour & Training - Maroc
1-2-3 November 2024 - Capital Conquest - Ikmi Wkf - Ottawa - Canada
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1-2-3 November 2024 - Capital Conquest - Ikmi Wkf - Ottawa - Canada
4-8 December 2024 Africa Summer Camp Ivory Coast
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4-8 December 2024  Africa Summer Camp Ivory Coast

Tactical Knife

IKMI's Knife Training Courses and Seminars are distinguished in two areas:

• Knife techniques
• Military knife

Both formations, by teaching basic technical settings and sequences of use,  concern every aspect of combat with knife and defense against cutting  weapons.

The teaching method based on Krav-Maga's techniques has the same philosophy  "... every reaction must have at the same time a defense and a reaction that  will safeguard our safety so that we can safely be put in safety ...".
The methodology used simulates real situations both of the use of the knife  and of protection from threat from white weapons and firearms. The training  provided is particularly suitable in the civil sector for women in the  military and for departments that operate in harsh environments and security professionals. This training prepares on technical  aspects and  even on psychological aspects for facing attacks in problematic situations: taken by surprise, sitting, under effort or under stress,  during the training, you  learn the correct technical and mental setting that allows you to quickly choose the most accurate technique to be adopted.
The techniques taught are the result of a process of experimentation and correction in various military environments, before being adapted to civil needs.
There are several reasons why we fight: for our own Ego and Sport, ect. Krav Maga teaches how to defend ourselves and techniques for the protection of other persons.