28-29 Septiembre - Special Stage Krav Maga Ikmi Barcelona - Spain
08 May 2023 14:00
28-29 Septiembre - Special Stage Krav Maga Ikmi  Barcelona - Spain
30 Octobre - 3 Novembre - Tour & Training - Maroc
08 Apr 2023 13:38
30 Octobre - 3 Novembre - Tour & Training - Maroc
1-2-3 November 2024 - Capital Conquest - Ikmi Wkf - Ottawa - Canada
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1-2-3 November 2024 - Capital Conquest - Ikmi Wkf - Ottawa - Canada
4-8 December 2024 Africa Summer Camp Ivory Coast
28 Mar 2023 13:00
4-8 December 2024  Africa Summer Camp Ivory Coast

Ikmi Shooting Defense

Course aimed at operators of the Order's Forces - Private Security Operators and Instructors Ikmi Safety regulations in the use, handling, port and possession of firearms.  Knowledge of the supplied weapons: mechanical, dismantling, maintenance.

Short weapon program: Theory - Practice • Proper handling of gun loading and unloading • Shooting technique (position, handle, breathing, aim, hit-kick start) • One-and two-handed shooting position • Position of contact • Artificial weapon extraction technique - Response pull • Combat kick start - Quick shot • Quick change of charger / charging • Tactical change of the charger • Elimination of malfunctions or jams • Kneeling on the knee • Throat relaxed (provided by the environment and urban furnishings, etc., high, middle and low shelter) • Reactions to combat • Behavior in combat or clash (basic 
principles of personal defense) • Techniques shooting • Low light and night shooting - Tactical torch use • Shooting in unusual positions (seated, supine, lying on the side).
Material Required: • Tactical belt with holster and at least 2 carriers • Semi-automatic gun with charger • 2 spare chargers • Tactical torch • Shooting or ballistic glasses • Cap with visor • Protective headphones • Tactical clothing. The course is held in Italy

For more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.