28-30 Juin 2024 Stage de Maitrise de soi - Dakar Senegal
08 Apr 2023 13:38
28-30 Juin 2024  Stage de Maitrise de soi - Dakar  Senegal
19-21 July 2024 - Krav Maga Outdoor Camp Unterlenningen Germany
08 May 2023 14:10
19-21 July 2024 - Krav Maga Outdoor Camp  Unterlenningen  Germany
28-29 Septiembre - Special Stage Krav Maga Ikmi Barcelona - Spain
08 May 2023 14:00
28-29 Septiembre - Special Stage Krav Maga Ikmi  Barcelona - Spain
4-8 December 2024 Africa Summer Camp Ivory Coast
28 Mar 2023 13:00
4-8 December 2024  Africa Summer Camp Ivory Coast

Woman Krav Maga

The "Women Krav-Maga" is a complete and modular program aimed exclusively at women and where the instructors are women. This is taught by the use of  adaptive defense, not randomly and confusedly, but an automatic response that takes into account a rapid analysis of the context, emotional restatement, and  subsequent concretization through a few and simple known techniques that are not improvised.
With this initiative, Ikmi wants to make a strong and valuable contribution to returning to the woman the ability to feel secure and safeguarded by creating a  special sector of female anti-aggression dedicated exclusively to women: in fact, the courses of woman krav maga are only done by women instructors and are exclusively reserved to women. Anyway, it could be possible to have the support of men instructors in order to "use" them as aggressors, in order to make  training as realistic as possible.
Modular and regular courses are based on the most advanced women's self- defense techniques such as Krav Maga. There is a specific regulatios that  includes the most situable physical and biomechanical techniques for women.
We believe it is important for women to have the opportunity through specific  courses to face and manage, both psychologically and physically, any situation of danger.
This kind of course is unique for the logical structure and sensitivity to the woman's world and also because "Women Krav Maga" is not a course of general self-defense.
This course, differs substantially from a traditional course of generic  personal defense, for the subjects concerned, for the technical program and especially for the psychological approach. Every aspect is taken into consideration, not just by teaching physical techniques. Each part of the course evaluates the real motivations that drive a woman to take part such a course.
All women who participated in our courses had surprisingly positive results.
For several years IKMI organizes courses aimed at women in several Italian cities. The goal is to teach prevention and defense from aggression with the  purpose of mugging and physical violence. Our courses guarantee the seriousness of the instructors and the respect of the participants' privacy. The courses  are held behind closed doors (without spectators).
Modular courses of 10, 15 or 20 hours take place weekly or full immersion, or on weekends. Each one has  its own program . For those who would like to  continue the trainings even after the chosen course, speciali-made and periodic  updates are planned.
Physical work has been studied to be carried out without difficulty,  regardless of age or physical structure.